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Will admins answer questions about dream interpretation?Admins will not be able to answer these questions and will guide you to join the Sufi Guidance™ Dream Interpretation and Numerology Facebook page:
What happens when I pre-book a call?After a short wait, a representative will connect you to Shah Saab to discuss your questions and wazifa. Following the call, an admin will guide you on using the wazifa. You will be advised to not wear headphones and keep your issue brief to make the most of your call time. Please note there may be a longer wait time due to the high number of callers.
How do I obtain a wazifa?By joining our SG Support Groups on WhatsApp or pre-booking a call. (See Need Help? section for more information)
As a SG Support Group member how do I speak to Shah Saab?Everyone, especially those with affordability issues, will speak to me, either within their respective groups, or via Sufi Guidance™ Channel YouTube live shows. You will either be asked to come live or added to a list to be connected, which may take some time. You will speak to me. You have my word – Raza Ali Shah Al-Abidi.
If I am from the US/UK/Europe/Middle East regions, etc., how do I join the Sufi Guidance™ platforms?Sufi Guidance™ platforms are available to everyone on an international basis, please see the Need Help? section for more information and QR codes to join our platform. We have dedicated SG Support Groups for each of these regions.
How many Free Clinic WhatsApp groups are there?There are 44+ SG Support WhatsApp groups, each managed by an admin and volunteers to assist with your questions. Admins do not respond to private messages; all questions are answered publicly in the chat.
How do I speak to Shah Saab?By joining our Sufi Guidance™ (SG) Support Group on WhatsApp or pre-booking a call. (See Need Help? section for more information)
What happens when I join a SG Support Group on WhatsApp?You will be added to Sufi Guidance™ the waiting group, please note there is an estimated 2-3 month wait to be added to the induction group, Lounge 44. You will be forwarded to the induction group to receive rules, service information, and your chat name. Once added to your assigned SG Support Group, Admins will host weekly calls for wazifa assignments and questions. Please note there is an estimated 25-30 day wait to be added to the SG Support Groups.
What information can admins ask for?Sufi Guidance™ admins will never ask you for personal identification information, pictures, videos or for any money. Sending pictures and personal details is strictly prohibited.
Does my information get shared?All communications, discussions, and content shared within the Sufi Guidance™ platforms are confidential and intended solely for the members involved. Information may not be shared, reproduced, or disclosed without explicit consent. Please note, this confidentiality excludes content shared during Sufi Guidance™ Channel YouTube live shows, which are publicly accessible. All content is trademarked.
Where should I listen to the wazaif?Sofa or chair, or if unwell and permission has been granted by the SG Support Group admin then you may recite lying down on the bed.
Can we keep taweez in the house?Sufi Guidance™ has a strict policy against the use of taweez. All taweez use is prohibited and must be removed from the home immediately.
Can I use an electronic tasbih counter or use coins for counting?All electronic device use is impermissible during reciting/reading wazifas. Use a physical tasbih of 500 or 1,000 count only. For large quantities, use coins or beans to keep count. For example, if reading 3,000, place one coin to the side for every 500/1,000 tasbih completed.
What if I am traveling on a long journey and may miss a day of my wazaif?Waiting to arrive at your destination to complete your wazaif may interrupt your wazaif. If you expect that your journey is long and will not allow enough time to recite your wazaif, you should complete it before leaving your home. Please contact us if this is the case and for further guidance.
Where should I recite/read the wazaif?Recite the wazaif on a prayer mat (janamaaz) facing the prayer direction, in a clean, quiet space free from interruptions. If you are travelling long distances via train, you may complete your wazifa on a janamaaz on the floor of the train.
If I am not in the SG Support Group, will the wazifa work?Depends and varies person to person.
What if I miss a day of my wazifa?Continue with your wazifa as normal and inform your SG Support Group admin that you have restarted.The above rule does not apply to people who are reciting 6-3-6, 3-3-6, specialized wazaif, targeted wazaif, 7-day wazaif, or SG Support Plus Group. Contact your SG Support Group admin for further guidance as needed.
Can I recite/read other recitations while reciting/reading Sufi Guidance™ wazaif?The Sufi Guidance™ wazaif provided have been tested through generations, which is why a strict code of conduct is in place. Due to the high volume of members, tracking the purpose of each recitation can be challenging. The reciter is responsible for ensuring their commitment to the Sufi Guidance™ wazaif only. All other recitations and practices must be stopped.
When should I read the wazaif?There’s no strict time to read wazaif, but just complete it with minimal interruptions.
NoticeWazaif may not be recited/read walking, talking, in any vehicle, or in an office setting.
Do I need to do my wudu for the wazaif?Recite the wazaif with the same respect as salah (namaz) or the Quran. Ensure you are clean (paak) and in wudu and wear clean clothing.
Where should I watch the wazaif?Sofa or chair.
How long should I recite/read the wazaif?You may be assigned a wazifa for a set number of days. Contact your SG Support Group admin 7-10 days prior to completion. If you don’t hear back, keep reciting your wazifa until instructed otherwise.
How do I do my wazaif if I am going to travel?If your journey is one day long, you can recite/read it one day in advance of traveling (e.g., two recitations in one day), and when you reach your destination, continue as normal. If you have to travel in an emergency, skip your wazaif until you return home, then continue your wazaif as normal. Additional permission is not required. The above rule does not apply to people who are reciting 6-3-6, 3-3-6, specialized wazaif, targeted wazaif, or 7-day wazaif SG Support Plus Group. Contact your SG Support Group admin for further guidance as needed.
How should I give sadka?
How should I remove the evil eye or nazzar?
How should makko water be made?
How should I wrap a taweez?
SudokuGridClick here to download the pdf file.
Bismillah NaqshClick here to download the pdf file.
Frequently Asked Questions
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